
Storytelling | Apply


Define Audience, Focus and Challenge  Session organizers work with the  Yayati team to identify  meaningful communication topics and current challenges for the  participants and possible interview candidates.

Schedule User Interviews
Session organizers secure commitment  from interview candidates for audience analysis and observation work.

Facilitated Workshop

Why and How to design a story
What is the idea or the meaning we are trying to convey – work within  story framework – principles of good story, input, tools & methods

Empathy and Blueprint
Create audience empathy, generate unique ideas,  arrange messages for greater impact, and strengthen their structure

Prototype & Visualize
Teams reconvene convert their content into a storyboard, explore different mediums for telling their story and how to create lots of versions

Deliver for impact
Use visual thinking and persona to convey information. Practice sketching ideas to visually display, tone and style for memorable presentations

Follow up

Practice Storytelling and Report Back on Performance

  • Storytelling come alive as teams learn through  simple, low-risk storytelling.
  • Teams report back to Session Organizers on their storytelling projects, delivery and learning.



2 hrs

4-6 hrs.

Facilitated Workshop

Day 1

Day 2

Follow up

2 hrs

Yayati delivers communications that transform. We change people and create businesses – through persuasive visual stories and presentations.

We also teach design thinking, storytelling, change management, presentation design and delivery skills in engaging, in-person workshops.

More Ways to Story Telling