A Story

Started of as an IT Professional and grew into a Technology Leadership role in his corporate stint – a journey that was gratifying, leveraging his strengths and passion around technology… for the world – SUCCESSFUL

The Protagonist

Of the 3 dimensions of Time, Money & Energy, he was adequately endowed with “Money” & “Energy”, but was inadequate on “Time” – leading to a sense of a missing piece to the whole.

Mentor’s motto was simple 

– Be passionate about whatever you do – the rest will take care of itself

– Respect every individual that you have an opportunity to interact with

The Mentor

Made our protagonist wonder how did the mentor manage to balance it out?

Sensing the protagonist’s eagerness and positive restlessness to add the missing piece in his life, the mentor suggested : “Follow your passion”.

These words resonated deeply with the protagonist.

He stepped back from the corporate world and plunged into the world of entrepreneurship in an area that he was passionate about: “Learning”.

thus born, “YAYATI”- the mythical character “The Transformational traveler” . 

At the core is the commitment to contribute and create an impact in the transformation journey of the individual as well as of the organization…