Define Audience, Focus and ChallengeSession organizers work with theYayati team to identify meaningful communication topics and current challenges for theparticipants.
Facilitated Workshop
Why and How to design a story
Understand why presentations miss to mark
Identify the needs of the audience
How to match audience needs with storyteller sharedexperiences, values and goals
What of Story
Build a storyboard and creative commons, assimilate the presentation’sbig idea, structure and flow. Story formula and elements for audience comprehension
Follow up
Practice Storytelling and Report Back on Performance
Storytelling come alive as teams learn throughsimple, low-risk storytelling.
Yayati team work with to Session Organizers providing some tips to motivate the storytelling skills development journey….
Yayati delivers communications that transform.We changepeople and create businesses – throughpersuasive visual stories and presentations.
We also teach design thinking, storytelling, change management, presentation design and delivery skills in engaging, in-person workshops.